← PREVIOUS POSTThe D Train Review Why Bother Film TV Movie News Mark Ryall RELATED POSTS LOSSES FOR VERBINSKI’S LONE RANGER MATCH MARKETING BUDGETJuly 11, 2013-Posted by Mark Ryall The Hollywood Reporter is claiming that Gore Verbinski’s The Lone Ranger is shaping up to be the biggest financial black hole … READ MORE →2 MIN READTHE WORLDS OF WES ANDERSON: THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS AND THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOUFebruary 20, 2016-Posted by Mark Ryall “OF COURSE IT’S DARK, IT’S A SUICIDE NOTE“: PATHOS, PATERNAL NEGLECT AND PERFORMANCES OF MASCULINITY As Wes Anderson moves into the … READ MORE →22 MIN READTHE WORLDS OF WES ANDERSON: INTRODUCTIONFebruary 20, 2016-Posted by Mark Ryall TRAUMA, REPETITION AND BLANK CHARACTERISATION IN WES WORLD Throughout a career spanning almost two decades, Wes Anderson has cultivated a reputation … READ MORE →11 MIN READ