← PREVIOUS POSTScreentime-Logo-Menu-400×110 RELATED POSTS THE QUIET MANMarch 16, 2023-Posted by Mark Ryall IRISH ASSIMILATION AND THE QUIET INFLUENCE OF MICHALEEN OGE FLYNN On the surface, it would appear that Barry Fitzgerald’s portrayal of … READ MORE →11 MIN READLOSSES FOR VERBINSKI’S LONE RANGER MATCH MARKETING BUDGETJuly 11, 2013-Posted by Mark Ryall The Hollywood Reporter is claiming that Gore Verbinski’s The Lone Ranger is shaping up to be the biggest financial black hole … READ MORE →2 MIN READTHE DEPARTED AND THE BOSTON CRIME DRAMAJune 13, 2014-Posted by Mark Ryall HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: SCORSESE, THE DEPARTED AND THE ASSIMILATED IRISH-AMERICAN IDENTITY The heterogeneous microclimate of Boston has allowed the ethnic … READ MORE →20 MIN READ