← PREVIOUS POSTJOURNEYMAN RELATED POSTS THE HETEROGENEITY OF ART CINEMAJune 20, 2013-Posted by Mark Ryall “WHEN IN DOUBT, GO FOR MAXIMUM AMBIGUITY”: DAVID BORDWELL AND ART CINEMA When Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (1996) said that “the heterogeneity of … READ MORE →7 MIN READTHE WORLDS OF WES ANDERSON: CONCLUSIONFebruary 20, 2016-Posted by Mark Ryall The fundamental basis of negative criticism directed at Wes Anderson can be summed up in the maxim, “familiarity breeds contempt.” Or … READ MORE →6 MIN READhttps://youtu.be/pR-MTZVppkALUTHER: SEASON 3July 4, 2013-Posted by Mark Ryall Tuesday’s premiere episode of Luther, series three, contained some jump scares which were so signposted that I was left kicking myself … READ MORE →3 MIN READ